Building Rapport in Sales and Marketing

The Importance of Building Rapport in Sales and Marketing

Sales and marketing are two critical components of any business, and building rapport is essential to the success of both. Rapport is the foundation of any relationship, and in business, it is the basis for creating trust, understanding, and cooperation between the buyer and the seller.

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Building rapport is a skill that can be learned and honed, and it can make a significant difference in the success of a sales or marketing campaign. In this article, we will explore the importance of building rapport in sales and marketing and provide some tips on how to do it effectively.

Want to learn more about how you can build rapport with prospects and customers? Check out our webinar with Hubspot’s Christina Garnett, “The Importance of Building Rapport in Sales and Marketing”


What is Rapport?

Rapport is a state of harmony and understanding between two people. It is a connection that occurs when people feel comfortable with each other, and are open and honest in their communication. When rapport is established, people are more likely to listen to each other, trust each other, and work together to achieve a common goal.

“Rapport is essentially planting seeds so that you’re able to learn just a little bit more about people, you feel more comfortable with them, you trust them, and as you foster and deepen that connection, it’s gonna open doors for you, opportunities, and maybe sales.”
Christina Garnett, Principal Marketing Manager at Hubspot, in our webinar “The Importance of Building Rapport in Sales and Marketing

Why is Building Rapport Important in Sales and Marketing?

In sales and marketing, building rapport is critical to creating trust and understanding between the buyer and the seller. Without rapport, the buyer may not trust the seller, and the seller may not understand the buyer’s needs and concerns. Building rapport helps to bridge this gap and creates a relationship of mutual respect and understanding.

“I think that we need to be very aware of how we communicate with prospects. Imagine how you’d feel if someone introduces themselves to you and the first thing they wanna do is ask you for a favor. That’s not ideal!”
-Christina Garnett, Principal Marketing Manager at Hubspot, in our webinar “The Importance of Building Rapport in Sales and Marketing

Tips for Building Rapport in Sales and Marketing

Listen actively

Active listening is an essential component of building rapport in sales and marketing. When interacting with potential customers or clients, it is important to listen actively to their needs, concerns, and desires in order to establish trust and understanding.

Actively listening involves more than just hearing the words that the other person is saying. It requires focusing on their tone of voice, body language, and overall demeanor to gain a complete understanding of their perspective. This can be accomplished by maintaining eye contact, nodding in agreement, and providing verbal cues such as “I see” or “That’s interesting.”

Building Rapport in Sales and Marketing - active listening

Furthermore, active listening involves asking open-ended questions to encourage the other person to share more about their thoughts and feelings. By clarifying their meaning, you can better understand their perspective and tailor your sales or marketing approach to their specific needs.

In addition, it is important to respond appropriately to what the other person is saying. This involves avoiding interrupting them, providing feedback that demonstrates you have heard and understood their message, and expressing empathy where appropriate.

“Add one touch that’s specifically focused on building rapport. Comment on one of their LinkedIn posts, or mention a tweet that you saw from them, just show in one or two sentences that you’re paying attention to them. It takes seconds to do, but it starts planting those seeds that will benefit you later.”
-Christina Garnett, Principal Marketing Manager at Hubspot, in our webinar “The Importance of Building Rapport in Sales and Marketing

By actively listening to potential customers or clients, you can build rapport and establish trust. This can lead to increased sales, customer loyalty, and a positive reputation for your business.

Show empathy

In sales and marketing, showing empathy is a powerful way to build rapport and establish trust with potential customers or clients. Empathy is the ability to understand and share the feelings of another person, and it is essential in creating a connection that goes beyond a purely transactional relationship.

Building Rapport in Sales and Marketing - empathize

When showing empathy, it is important to acknowledge the emotions of the buyer. This can be achieved by listening actively, paying attention to their body language and tone of voice, and responding in a way that shows you understand how they feel. For example, if a buyer expresses frustration with a particular product feature, acknowledging their frustration and offering a solution that addresses their concern can demonstrate empathy.

In addition, showing that you care about the buyer’s well-being can help to build rapport. This can be achieved by expressing genuine concern for their needs and offering support where appropriate. For example, if a buyer is concerned about the cost of a product or service, offering a discount or payment plan can show that you care about their financial well-being and are willing to work with them to find a solution.

“I would think about how you would like to be treated. And if someone treated you the way that you’re about to treat that person, how would that make you feel? Would that make you want to do business with them? Would that make them wanna set up a meeting with you or would they want to ghost?”
-Christina Garnett, Principal Marketing Manager at Hubspot, in our webinar “The Importance of Building Rapport in Sales and Marketing

Showing empathy in sales and marketing can help to create a positive emotional connection with potential customers or clients. By demonstrating that you understand their needs and concerns, you can build trust and establish a long-lasting relationship that goes beyond a simple transaction.

Be authentic

In sales and marketing, being authentic is a critical component of building rapport. It involves being true to yourself, your values, and your intentions. Authenticity is vital because it helps to build trust with potential clients or customers and creates a more meaningful connection.

The best brand is just being yourself

To be authentic in sales and marketing, it is crucial to communicate openly and transparently with potential clients. This involves being honest about your products or services, their limitations, and any potential risks or downsides. It is also important to share your own experiences and feelings with the buyer. This can help to create a more personal and relatable connection that goes beyond a purely transactional relationship.

Admitting when you don’t know something is also a crucial aspect of authenticity. It shows that you are not trying to mislead or deceive the buyer and are willing to be vulnerable and honest. By acknowledging your limitations, you can build trust with the buyer and demonstrate that you are committed to finding the best solution for their needs.

In addition to being open and transparent, it is also essential to be consistent in your actions and communication. This means delivering on your promises, following up promptly, and being reliable in all your interactions with the buyer. By being consistent, you can build a positive reputation and establish a sense of reliability and trustworthiness with the buyer.

“It’s understood that there’s a certain number of touches that it takes to close a deal. But some of those touches, you need to be very thoughtful about, because people can tell when you care. If each touch is, ‘here’s the pricing’, ‘did your leadership have questions?’ – that’s not the touch you think it is. It feels like you’re just checking off the touches in your CRM and saying, ‘all right, I did that one’.”
-Christina Garnett, Principal Marketing Manager at Hubspot, in our webinar “The Importance of Building Rapport in Sales and Marketing

Being authentic is a critical component of building rapport in sales and marketing. By communicating openly and transparently, sharing your experiences and feelings, and admitting when you don’t know something, you can establish a sense of trust and connection with potential clients or customers. Additionally, by being consistent in your actions and communication, you can build a positive reputation and establish a sense of reliability and trustworthiness.

Use humor

Using humor is an effective way to build rapport with potential clients or customers. It can help to create a relaxed and friendly atmosphere, which can make the buyer feel more comfortable. However, it is essential to use humor carefully to avoid offending the buyer or coming across as unprofessional.

One way to use humor effectively is to find common ground between you and the buyer. This can involve using a lighthearted comment or joke about a shared interest or experience. For example, if you both enjoy a particular sport, you could make a comment about a recent game or share a funny story about playing the sport.

Building Rapport in Sales and Marketing - be funny

It is also important to use humor in a way that is appropriate for the situation. In some cases, a more formal approach may be necessary, and humor may not be appropriate. It is important to be aware of the buyer’s tone and demeanor and adjust your communication style accordingly.

“Anything that you can do to infuse a sense of humanity, that’s what’s going to foster connection. That’s what’s gonna make people think, oh, I love hanging out with him, he’s hilarious. Or, I love hanging out with her, she’s great, She knows everybody.”
-Christina Garnett, Principal Marketing Manager at Hubspot, in our webinar “The Importance of Building Rapport in Sales and Marketing

When using humor, it is crucial to avoid offensive jokes or comments. Humor that is racist, sexist, or otherwise discriminatory can quickly undermine any rapport you have built with the buyer and damage your professional reputation. Additionally, humor that is excessively self-deprecating or sarcastic can also be unprofessional and may not be well-received by the buyer.

Humor can be an effective way to build rapport in sales and marketing, but it should be used carefully and appropriately. By finding common ground, using humor that is appropriate for the situation, and avoiding offensive jokes or comments, you can create a relaxed and friendly atmosphere that can help to build trust and establish a positive relationship with potential clients or customers.

Find common ground

Finding common ground is a crucial aspect of building rapport in sales and marketing. When you can find shared interests or experiences with potential customers or clients, you can establish a connection that goes beyond a purely transactional relationship. This can create a more comfortable and positive environment for both parties, making it easier to establish trust and ultimately make a sale.

One way to find common ground is to do some research on the buyer before making contact. This can involve looking at their social media profiles, company website, or any other publicly available information. By gaining insight into their interests and hobbies, you can find opportunities to highlight shared experiences or preferences.

find common ground

During the sales or marketing interaction, you can use this information to create a more personalized conversation that emphasizes common ground. For example, if you discover that the buyer is interested in a particular hobby or sports team, you can mention your own interest in that area and discuss it in more detail. This can create a more relaxed and friendly atmosphere that makes the buyer feel more comfortable and open to discussion.

Another way to find common ground is to listen actively and look for shared experiences in the conversation itself. For example, if the buyer mentions a particular challenge they are facing, you can discuss a similar challenge you have faced in the past and how you overcame it. This can help to create a sense of connection and understanding between the buyer and seller.

Finding common ground is an excellent way to build rapport in sales and marketing. By emphasizing shared interests or experiences, you can create a more personalized and comfortable conversation that helps to establish trust and ultimately lead to a successful sale.


Building rapport is essential to the success of sales and marketing campaigns. It helps to create trust, understanding, and cooperation between the buyer and the seller. To build rapport, it is essential to listen actively, show empathy, find common ground, be authentic, and use humor appropriately. By doing so, you can create a relationship of mutual respect and understanding, which can lead to increased sales and customer loyalty.


What is the difference between rapport and relationship-building?

Rapport is a part of relationship-building. Rapport refers to the initial connection that occurs when people feel comfortable with each other, and they are open and honest in their communication. Relationship-building refers to the ongoing process of maintaining and strengthening that connection over time.

Can you build rapport with a difficult buyer?

Yes, it is possible to build rapport with a difficult buyer. It may take more time and effort, but by actively listening, showing empathy, and finding common ground, you can build trust and understanding with even the most challenging buyers.

How can I measure the effectiveness of my rapport-building efforts?

The effectiveness of rapport-building efforts can be measured by the success of the sales or marketing campaign. If the campaign results in increased sales or customer loyalty, it can be assumed that the rapport-building efforts were effective.

Can rapport be built over the phone or email?

Yes, rapport can be built over the phone or email, but it may require more effort since non-verbal cues cannot be observed. It is important to listen actively, show empathy, and find common ground through written or verbal communication.

Is it possible to build rapport with a large group of people?

Yes, it is possible to build rapport with a large group of people by finding shared interests or experiences and highlighting them in your communication. However, it may require more effort and time to build rapport with a large group compared to an individual.


Sales and marketing teams can utilize Lead Forensics to assist in building rapport. This software allows teams to identify and track website visitors, giving them valuable information about potential leads. With this information, sales and marketing teams can tailor their communication to the needs and interests of the visitor, creating a personalized experience. By demonstrating a genuine interest in the needs and concerns of their potential customers, teams using Lead Forensics can build a strong rapport that can lead to increased sales and customer loyalty. Book your free demo today!

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